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Division of R.D. Cecil and Company Incorporated 1966 |
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| Strategic Management & Leadership System TM |
| Next-Generation Management, Leadership, and Organization Development (book) |
: System for Developing, Improving, and Using Synergistic Life Skills (manual) |
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Strategic Management & Leadership System™
Development and Performance Enhancement Resources --
with the Unified Practice of Management™ (UPoM™) Model
Descriptive Materials:
1. SM&L System™ Table of Contents (see below) -- [ PDF Version ]
.html -- [ PDF version ]
(Total of approximately 1,200 2-column 8 1/2 x 11 pages)
380+ models, figures, tables, exhibits, including
The Managerial Target® and
Unified Practice of Management™ (UPoM™) Model
[click for Powerpoint description of Training Program's Features, Advantages, and Benefits]
(To open this protected Powerpoint file, click on "Read Only")
.htm -- [ PDF version ]
260+ D-I-Y Professional Management Tools
[click for PowerPoint description of Integrated Strategic Planning and
Knowledge Management Tools' Features, Advantages, and Benefits]
(To open this protected PowerPoint file, click on "Read Only")
Next-Generation Management, Leadership, -- [ PDF version ]and Organization Development.html (500-page book)
List of Book's Figures, Tables, Exhibits -- [
PDF version ]
5. Major Innovations of R. D. Cecil.html
-- [ PDF version ]
6. Team Thinking/Learning Centers.html
by Academicians and Practitioners.html -- [ PDF version ]
8. Adaptations of the Above for the Military & Government -- [ PDF version ]
Strategic Management & Leadership System™
Folders’ Contents
000 Descriptions of Contents
You Should (Print &) Read These INSTRUCTIONS Soon-
System Contents and Their Use
0-0 NEVER ALTER FILE or FOLDER NAMES in Folders 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, or 0-4, and keep on the same drive.
LAUNCH Presentations, Courses, Programs, Tools
(See page 4 and the insert)
1_LAUNCH Managerial-Leadership Process and Tools Interface.xls
2_LAUNCH Management Knowledge Base Interface.xls
3_LAUNCH Books and Tools Interface.xls
* 4_LAUNCH Full Course or Seminar Interface – All Figures and Tables by Chapters
* 5_LAUNCH MD/OD Project Interface – uses N-GMD chapters in PDFs.xls
5_LAUNCH MD/OD Project Interface – uses orig series booklets in spreadsheets.xls
* 6_LAUNCH Planning Process Materials & Tools Interface.xls
* 7_LAUNCH Contextual Search of Management Topics Interface.xls
8_LAUNCH Contextual Search of Behavioral Topics Interface.xls
LAUNCH Briefing /Presentation Interface.xls
SM&L System™
Program and Tools (Briefing Projection).xls
Management/Leadership Training Materials and Management Tools in Spreadsheets
(98 spreadsheet files with booklets, tools, and templates)
spreadsheet files with a figure or table)
LINKS to ALL FIGURES & TABLES - by TOPIC & Course-Book Sequence
0-5 RD Cecil's original
MD-OD Booklets in
spreadsheet booklets w/ figures & tables)
(See detailed booklets list in the
MS-Word version list below.)
0_Series Introduction
(2 booklets1_Management-Leadership Think-Work Functions booklets - original
(8 booklets2_Management-Leadership Implementation Functions materials
(4 booklets2a_Delegation booklet - original (1 booklet
3_Time Management booklet - original
(1 booklet)
Individual: A System of Characteristics booklet - original
(1 booklet
Behavior booklet - original (1 booklet
6_Managerial & Leadership Behavior booklets - original
(5 booklets7_(Individual) Problem Solving & Decision Making booklet - original
(1 booklet)8_lnterpersonal Relations booklets - original
(2 booklets9_Communication booklet - original (1 booklet
10_(Team) Think-Work in Organizations - original
(1 booklet)11_lndividual & Organizational Learning booklet - original
(1 booklet)12_Summary, Synthesis & UPoM™ Model (1 booklet
0-6 TOOLS for Management
Processes & Activities
(14 folders with
spreadsheet checklists, tools, templates)
1_Analyzing (21 files
2_Planning Phase - general
(12 files
3_Goal Setting
(5 files4_Planning (Strategies-Tactics, Programs-Projects, Action Plans) (11 files
(22 files)6_Decision Making (24 files
(9 files8_Staffing
(4 files9_Guiding Activities (6 files
(10 files11_Evaluating Performance (3 files
Organization Development (105 files
Problem Solving & Decision Making (15 files
Time Management
(6 files)
0-7 TOOLS for
Functional-Departmental Areas
folders with
spreadsheet checklists, tools, templates)
Finance (44 files
Human Resources
(91 filesMarketing
(54 filesProduction/Operations
(42 filesStrategic Planning (all departments)
(34 files
0-8 TOOLS for Course &
Seminar Instructors
(6 folders with
spreadsheet or document files)
1_Course Syllabus & Schedule (samples)
(9 files2_lntro Materials
(7 files3_Student-Participant Preparation or Study Guides
(19 files4_Quizzes (by Chapter)
(20 files)Module 2 Preparation
(4 files)Quotations
(7 files
0-9 TOOLS for MD & OD Mgrs &
Internal Consultants
spreadsheets and documents)
Printable Management/Leadership Training Documents (Booklets
N-GML&OD Book)
0-10 Articles and White
1_Qualitative & Diagrammatic Knowledge Bases
2_0-Base (Meta-)Systems Analysis
0-11 RD Cecil's original
MD-OD Booklets in
pdf files
(42 folders with
document and spreadsheet files)
1_Management and
Leadership Think-Work Functions
1_lntroduction – original
(6 pages)
2_Analyzing booklet –
3_Planning Phase booklet –
original (23 pages
4_Goal Setting booklet –
original (23 pages
5_Planning booklet –
original (23 pages
6_Budgeting booklet –
original (61 pages
7_Formulating Policies,
Procedures, Rules booklet – original (11 pages
8_Decision Making booklet
(Parts 1 and 2) – original (87 pages
Strategic & Annual Planning Steps manual – original
(72 pages
Management booklet – original (23 pages
2_Management and
Implementation Functions
9_0rganizing booklet –
original (10 pages
10 & 11_Staffing; and Guiding Activity booklet – original
(7 pages
Delegating booklet – original
(11 pages
12_Controlling; and Evaluating Performance booklet – original
(5 pages
3_Individual &
Organizational Behavior booklets
The Individual: A System of
Characteristics booklet – original (57 pages
Organizational Behavior: An
Analytic Frame of Reference booklet – original (27 pages)
4_Managerial &
Leadership Behavior
M&LB - Part I - Styles booklet –
original (82 pages
M&LB - Part II - Nonpersonal
lnfluences booklet – original (63 pages
M&LB - Part III - Personal Influences booklet – original
(62 pages)
M&LB - Part IV - HT,HP and
Situationalism booklet – original (40 pages
M&LB - Part V - OD Implications (Integrated MD-OD Project)
(8 pages)
5_(Individual) Problem
Solving and Decision Making booklet – original
(16 pages
6_lnterpersonal Relations
Part 1: Personal Characteristics booklet – original
(54 pagesPart 2: Patterns of Behavior booklet – original
(73 pages)Effective Communication booklet – original
(25 pages
7_Effective (Team)
Think-Work in Organizations booklet – original
(30 pages
8_Individual and
Organizational Learning booklet – original (23 pages
9_Summary, Synthesis & UPoM™ Model
(37 pages
(Condensed from above series. Book has only 100 of the series’ 380+ models, figures, tables and exhibits.)
General Description of the System's Contents
This exceptionally comprehensive and integrated management, leadership, and organization development system contains approximately 1,300 document, spreadsheet, and pdf files totalling about 625 Mb. It is the culmination of 40 full-time years of pains-taking research and development.
College undergraduates, graduates, and non-MBAs:
Those who have taken the management/leadership program using materials in the original education/training series and the condensed, published book, Next-Generation Management [Leadership, and Organization] Development (and did so in an on-site, top-down, nine-month program in conjunction with local educational institutions), have received 12 college credits and credits toward an MBA. In the process they vastly increased their knowledge, skills, and value to their employers.MBA students:
The package contains numerous advanced concepts and tools that are not available in most if any MBA programs. Learning these innovative management and leadership concepts, models and methods—and using the expert-level analytical factor checklists and tools to perform more detailed and insightful case analyses—can both help a student to stand out in class. In addition, the materials explain many concepts and models more understandably than many academic texts. Furthermore, learning how to apply the advanced management concepts and methods helps to further develop the practical management and leadership skills that today's employers are seeking.MBAs and even Ph.D.s in management:
Virtually none of these people have been exposed to the materials' many ground-breaking—even disruptive—concepts and models regarding management functions, strategic planning, time management, change management, knowledge management, managerial/leadership styles, interpersonal relations, organization development, and other management-related areas.Organizations' management trainers, training program developers, and organization development specialists:
The system contains an entire, comprehensive, highly integrated, state-of-the art management and leadership education/training program that can (should) be used as the core of an overall organization development project. Organizational results have included: (a) at least a 50% improvement in the performance of management functions, (b) a 50 to 100% improvement in superior-subordinate relationships, and (c) a 100 to 200% improvement in inter-unit interactions.The materials described below have been used to train hundreds of management educators, management and leadership trainers, training program developers, organization development consultants, management and organization development managers from organizations such as IBM's Executive Development Center, AT&T, Sears, Walgreens, Kraft, Baxter, Caterpillar, Illinois Bell, the State of Illinois, the U.S. Naval Academy, the Center for Naval Leadership, the Navy Human Resources Management School, and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
The materials have also been used in classes, seminars, and entire on-site, top-down programs involving thousands of students, managers, supervisors, and leaders for or from organizations such as Caterpillar, Dekalb AgResearch, the Civil Service Commission, the American Management Association, the U.S. Commander-in-Chief Pacific Staff, the U.S. Navy, Warner-Lambert, Weyerhauser, and several colleges and large hospitals.
Click to see the pdf version of the Past Clients list.
:1. Management and Leadership: Major Elements and Beyond — an entire, comprehensive, 30-booklet, 2,400-page, fully integrated Managerial and Leadership Development (education/training) Program that has earned students and seminar participants 12 college credits and credits toward MBAs (over two semesters or three quarters). In addition to covering all of the most important MBA level management and leadership concepts, principles, and practices, the booklets (texts/manuals) in this program . . .
a. present many remarkably advanced and innovative concepts, models, methods, and tools (described below) that deal with general management, strategic planning, managerial and leadership styles, time management, knowledge management, interpersonal relations, individual and team problem solving and decision making, individual and organizational learning, and organization development;c. integrate general and strategic management, strategic planning, knowledge management, managerial and leadership development, and organization development into a fully integrated, synergistic management system (based on our Unified Practice of Management™ Model, or UPoM™);
b. contain 387 instructional figures, tables and exhibits (all projectable);d. describe how one basic but flexible methodology and associated skills apply to the management and leadership process, learning, communicating, problem solving, decision making, and strategic planning―so you can use, and train in, one methodology instead of a different one for each process;
c. emphasize participative management, participative strategic planning, and participative management/leadership and organization development;
d. emphasize performing the think-work functions of management and leadership well, and then going on to implement plans for carrying out operating strategies, programs/projects, and plans for organizing, staffing, etc.;
e. discuss the “what” and “why” of management―as texts do; but also, as manuals, go on to provide practical, step by step “how to” methods and tools for analyzing, goal setting, planning, budgeting, decision making, organizing, staffing, guiding activities, and controlling—many of which most MBAs have never received from their B-schools either before or upon graduation;
f. cover a number of new concepts, models, methods, and tools that few if any business schools cover—such as personal traits' influences on managers' and leaders' styles;
g. provide expert, detailed checklists of variables that help MBA students (and practicing managers) analyze situations in greater depth and breadth than the relatively limited and superficial factors dealt with in hundreds of B-school marketing, finance, production/operations, and organizational behavior cases, thereby giving an MBA several advantages over classmates—such as performing more in-depth and insightful analyses of case situations and thereby impressing both classmates and professors;
h. omit or skim over certain areas and many details that MBAs very quickly forget or seldom if ever use;
i. help develop the managerial, leadership, interpersonal, and group process facilitation skills that employers wish that B-schools would develop in their MBAs―but most often don’t; and
j. provide all the materials necessary for an organization’s own trainers and facilitators (preferably with an MBA background and training experience) to do the following: conduct in-house seminar or training sessions; facilitate participative organization development sessions (without using any outside assistance); and facilitate powerful, computer-assisted strategic planning processes.
An organization―and even its individual managers or leaders themselves ― might consider how these materials could (a) help make “Junior (or better) MBAs” out of personnel with underdeveloped potentials, and (b) save much of the time and money that many individuals and organizations devote to “getting a piece of paper” (after two years of studying hundreds of cases that won’t directly apply to their industry or job).
2. Organization Development Materials and Tools (for do-it-yourself use):
The management/leadership training course/seminar described above can be conducted on its own. But it can be used most powerfully as the core of a fully integrated, in-house, top-down management, leadership and organization development project. When we have called this a “fully integrated MD/OD program,” people have usually assumed that we simply meant “comprehensive.” It actually means far more than that:
A. While it is comprehensive, it presents topics in a building-block sequence—not in ad hoc, disjointed, 1-to-2-day courses or modules. For example, (a) what is learned in early chapters/modules is used to explain more complex concepts and models in later chapters/modules, and (b) what is learned in later chapters/modules uses and reinforces the learning that took place earlier.
B. Equally if not more important, it does things that no other book or system has ever done (or is even capable of doing). It interrelates and integrates all the following: more than five distinctive managerial and leadership styles; nine distinctive interpersonal styles; managerial and leadership functions; thinking, learning, and communication processes and styles; a number of “I’m OK, you’re OK” ego states and related life positions; thirteen types of relationship “approachers” and “maintainers”; various approaches for manipulating others; many specific personal traits (needs/drives, values, personality traits, knowledge factors, mental skills, and specialized skills); and much, much more.
The system materials contain everything necessary:
a. manuals for students or participants;
b. materials and tools for the organization's own instructors; and
c. the materials and guidance that an organization's OD facilitators
would need to conduct top-down, "linking pin" OD sessions.
Internal Management Consulting Methods, Tools, & Materials (for do-it-yourself use):
The approximately 260 management consulting methods and tools (checklists, fill-in templates, etc.):
One way in which the system's contents constitute an integrated or “Unified Practice of Management™ System” is that the education/training materials mentioned above describe (a) how to fill in and use the many templates provided, (b) how to perform various methods or processes step by step, and (c) how to use the many other types of practical, computerized tools provided.
The above tools can be used to design (or upgrade) and facilitate participative strategic analysis, planning, and decision-making processes that are computer-assisted from beginning to end.
Contact Information:
R. D. Cecil and Company
1151 Middle Road — Suite B
Dixon, Illinois 61021-3904
Sales and Support
Hours: 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Central (Chicago) Time, Monday through Friday
Fax: as above, but call ahead
Copyright © 2024 by R. D. Cecil and Company
Last edited or revised: 12/09/2024